Code Check Electrical 9th Edition eBook


Code Check Electrical 9th edition eBook is based on the 2020 National Electrical Code.

The Code Check Electrical 2020 eBook has additional material and features not included in the print edition. These include

  • References to the 2021 IRC
  • Commercial Equipment
  • Expanded load calculation guides
  • Motors
  • Transformers
  • Expanded material on PV Systems

The eBook has enhanced navigation features that enable you to quickly find material. It also has a feature that tracks changes from the previous code edition, so it can be used in areas that still use the 2017 NEC as a model code. The eBook is 105 pages, and contains 101 illustrations and 57 tables. This book is an essential tool for field use on a notebook device or office use on a desktop. It is ideal for contractors, inspectors, and plans examiners.

SKU: CCE09e Category:


eBook guide to the 2020 NEC